We represent a nation-wide organization of personal injury health care providers dedicated to accept, diagnose, treat, document and manage injuries suffered among auto accident victims.
…and why we should care
Thorough assessment of the accident victim using the Injury Model allows us to minimize medical errors in overlooked threshold auto related injuries.
The physician is charged with providing a Whole Person Impairment (WPI) Rating revealing the edition, chapter, table, page, formula and method in the AMA Guides that most accurately reflects the injured ‘s impairment. The opinion must be substantial evidence.
(Almaraz-Guzman II En Banc Decision).
When injuries go undetected and impairments are not rated, valuation will be lost if compensation for pain and suffering is sought after an auto accident.
Preventing medical errors in commonly overlooked threshold auto injuries, preserves the patient’s right’s to ‘Evidence Based Practice’ as well as the client’s rights to fullest compensation and is a vital role of the health-care provider.
We embrace your confidence in referring to us and pledge to represent the accident victim using the Injury Model and conduct a “1191M Impairment Rating By Attending Physician, Standard, 1-3 Body Parts, Performed At Discharge”.
This is known to minimize risks, eliminate disputes and maximize settlement valuation in injury cases.
We welcome your referrals.